So...does anyone know if "have" should be capitalized in this title?...Hello my friends!! Man It's been a minute, but I'm back. I haven't been an absentee for no reason though. I have been working, and not just the regular "pay my bills working"...yuck...I mean the awesome "career reaching working." Yes, indeed! I have been trying to get my short film rolling, and really it is going well so far. I'm collaborating with new and old resources. I don't know why it was so hard to remember so many people that I have available that are willing to help me. Hello, I went to school with them!! And also others that I didn't go to school with who just love me to pieces and want to sacrifice their time to be a part of my cast and/or crew for free. Emphasis on the free 'cause uh yeah totally some pro bono work going on here. And I cannot express how grateful I am for all of them. Maybe I will buy them some gummy bears or something ;) but anyways my point is THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING MAN!!! I was such a super slacker the first time I "tried" to make the film with a classmate of mine. I wanted it all to fall in place by itself, but it so does not and will not ever happen like that.
It's cool that I was reminded of this truth on my vacation this past weekend, which is also something I've been doing a lot of. Traveling!!! So fun and yet so freaggin' exhausting. In the past couple of months I've been to HOTLANTA!!, Sevierville (aka a little mountainous town in TN that is full of fun looking adventures), my hometown of Clarksvegas wooooot! I don't know how it got this nickname because there's nothing Vegasy about it, but hey it's cool. And finally Detroit/Inkster, MI visiting my baby's family. The blackslash doesn't signify that these two cities are interchangeable; it just shows laziness on my part. Anyway, this is where I got the reminder of "Do yo job, girl," and I wasn't expecting it at all. At church (yes, I attend church sometimes) the pastor preached about learning to fight, and taking charge of your life, and receiving what's yours, no actually grasping what's yours and all this awesome enthusiastic stuff, and by the end of the sermon I was like "Yeah, man, yeah!! I'm going to get what's mine! I'm going to work for it, so I'll feel extra awesome knowing I deserve every bit of it too. Yeah, man!!" Dude, I was excited. It felt good to have another push because my nature is to be so stationary and wishful. It just doesn't flow into productivity. But I know I'm blessed with talent, and I have to let others know and put myself out there to be the success that I want to be. ONWARD HO!!
P.S. Don't take that "ho" offensively.
P.P.S. 110 days without a puff. I'm freakin' awesome man. I feel good, my face has cleared up, I can breathe, and I didn't gain 40 pounds. I'd say I'm doin' alright for myself.