's day 5 of my journey to not smoking cigarettes. Can I just start out by saying, "Yey!! I made it to day 5!!!??!!!!!" I know non-smokers often wonder why it is so difficult for smokers to stop or to remain stopped after they've quit, so I'd like to list a reason or two as to why it is so hard for me...maybe they'll get a better understanding:
1.)Smoking a cigarette just goes with the flow of things or somehow continues the flow of things so nicely. For example: smoking after eating a big meal, smoking before you can get to a meal because you're starving, smoking while driving to work, smoking while leaving work, smoking after sex (omg), smoking after a sad movie, smoking after a thoughtful movie, smoking while drinking, smoking while partying, a nice smoke during a hangover, a first thing in the morning smoke, a late night smoke, smoking after exercising when I really know I shouldn't, smoking at the beach, smoking on the porch, smoking while writing (man goes so well together), chain smoking, randomly smoking, smoking with my smoking buddies...I miss everything about smoking!!
2.) It's freakin' manufactured and infused to be addictive as hell, and your body hates you when you stop smoking cold turkey. Yes, it eventually will love you again, but the withdrawals are major:
Day 1-I cried
Day 2-I cried again
Day 3-I wanted to chew my fingers off
Day 4-Not as bad as the first 3 days, but still horrendous when people around you smoke right in front of your face
Day 5-I wanted to chew other smoker's fingers off, so I could get a little taste of nicotine from their freshly smoked out finger nails, but hey at least I didn't cry!!
I'll let you know about Day 6 later. I just ask for you all to keep me in your thoughts because I need all of the help I can get. For the non-smokers: be gentle and understanding to the people you know who are trying to quit. For the smokers: watch your fingers because I have SUPER HUMAN JUNKIE STRENGTH!!